12 March 2010

It's got my name on it and it's just waiting there for me...

I arrived home from work this afternoon to find a wonderful package with my name on it (which is always a good feeling) that came all the way from New Zealand. It was the hair bow clip that I ordered from the Etsy shop, h u n t e r g a t h e r e r. for 12 US buckeroonies - STOKED!!!



Wearing: Hair clip h u n t e r   g a t h e r e r, Cardigan If It Were Me from England, Top Valley Girl and Fabric Rose Brooch handmade by me.

I'm not entirely happy with the pictures because my hair has been up all day and under a cap, and I don't like the way I look with my hair up, but they aren't too bad.

Next thing to make my afternoon was that Matt and I went to my favourite - Auction Rooms, in Errol St, North Melbourne.

My spunky Matchew - Naw! 

Top: Me being all artistic and Bottom: our delicious coffees

Top: gorgeous pattern on Matt's latte and Bottom: my long macchiatto, incase you ever want to order me a coffee one day, lol.

And the very kitsch sugar bowls/'Heinz Pea with Ham soup' can. Rust and all.

Now, I'm going to make some Yorkshire puds for my very delicious smelling roast lamb that I have in the oven. (I haven't had Yorkshire puds in about 6 years! Ahhh YES!!!!)

The meat (and we get heaps of it, lamb and beef) is from Matt's parents' farm, from the animals that are too injured to sell. It's free and hey, how many of you can say that you know exactly where your food is coming from? They also give us loads of eggs everytime we go up there which really helps the shopping budget stretch. 

And so begins my quiet homely night with Matthew, and I couldn't be happier.

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